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The Hope of Collaboration
20 September 2024

(Thursday, 19/09/2024) Mrs. Safirah and Mrs. Courie made a visit to Santa Maria Junior High School Surabaya as the representatives of the Student Placement & Services Division, Ministry of Education Singapore, to ask about the possibilities of having a collaboration between the school and Ministry of Education Singapore  If this collaboration succeeds, we will be able to have the Students/Teachers Exchange and Scholarship program between Santa Maria Surabaya JHS with several schools in Singapore which are affiliated with the Ministry of Education there.

In this collaboration, not only will the school be benefited but it is certain that the schools in Singapore will also have their own benefits from learning about different cultures and also learning experience in the different environments since those schools have many differences and also their own strength in the education field. That way the students who follow the program can learn so much more.

The reason why the school would like to collaborate with the schools in Singapore is to expose the chosen individuals to other cultures, curriculums, to increase academic and even friendship experiences as student or teacher exchanges can really help individuals grow especially in the academic field while also assisting and preparing them to engage with the world in a more informed, culturally sensitive way. Furthermore,  it is in line with the fifth mission of our school to have international collaboration with other countries, especially in South East Asia.

During this visit, the guests were greeted by several teachers and even students. They also had a short tour about the activities held in Santa Maria Surabaya JHS. They first took a glance at the Karawitan room where they saw students from class 8A trying their best to show a good karawitan performance. “What a lovely performance!” said Mrs. Safirah, along with the other guests. Afterwards, they headed to the music room, several classes, and the library.

After visiting various places in Santa Maria, they eventually headed to the last destination in the school which was the Desenzano Room where they listened to the students who had been chosen as the representatives of the school, Jacqueline and Chariss, to introduce about the school’s excellence, organization, communities, and the activities that had been held by the school.

Now, let’s all hope for the best for the collaboration between Santa Maria Junior High School  Surabaya and the Ministry of Education Singapore.


Writer : 

Jacqueline Nicole Soefianto 8B/16

Michelle Charisslyn Christabel 8D/18